A pal of mine was looking for big sheets of movie to use in some picture etchings. The image store that offered it to them before was out the film and said that it was no longer being produced. As a matter of fact, the producer had to destroy all of its remaining stock due to tax factors.
The movie gets to the storage facility and inspectors begin to grade, weigh, and sort the film as quickly as it rolls into the storage facility. This info gets gotten in into the database instantly, and a report is provided to the client.
You might be sighing (or groaning) as you ask "Don't you need to go to school for that?". The answer is a big fat NO! Sure, going to school to learn the numerous trades in the movie and video world will provide you an excellent understanding of the position and the industry as a whole, but it is hardly ever if ever a requirement to get on a set. In the film and video market, much more emphasis is put on your film credits than on your college credits.
film happened as an evolution from the early 1800's (really it began a number of years earlier) when they used metal plates for images and later glass plates, with silver nitrate on them to produce negatives. The very first contraptions took 8 hours or so of direct exposure to get an image and then it was tough to make the image stay around. Lastly they got the exposure down to about a minute and the image supported so one might keep it. That was the start of photography.
It cinematography may be possible to hire your equipment, or perhaps the special effects you use. You could teach movie at adult education or for a regional company for a number of weeks or for a one day course. One to one tuition might likewise be possible. Individuals may even desire your abilities for a stag event.
What do you do when the job is ended up? Simply peel and toss the movie. It gathers in seconds and need to be recycled with other plastics. The carpet beneath will look simply as it did before you applied the movie.
Is movie dead or dying? There is no doubt that the specialist's workflow today is predominantly digital. But, there suffices film devices still working and in the hands of both professionals and enthusiastic novices that I can with confidence forecast that movie will be around for a long time.